(2 to 3 years)
As your toddler enters their third year, they will be more curious than ever about the world around them, and have a strong desire to explore their independence. Our Nursery program aims to build independence, foster an early love for learning, and support foundational academic and social skills that will be needed for success in Kindergarten and beyond.
Program details:
- Suitable for 2 to 3 year old children
- Unaccompanied program with no caregivers in class
- 3 hour classes (1.5 hours of English, 1.5 hours of Mandarin)
- Each language is taught by qualified Native Language Teachers
- Small 1:8 teacher-to-student ratio per class
- Age-appropriate classroom and facilities, such as child-sized bathrooms
- Utilizing Tutor Time’s proprietary Learn From the Start™ milestone-based Curriculum
- Specially designed TT Starter Kit that contains materials and support for home-learning, designed with Learning Time
In Nursery, students begin their learning with our Learn From the Start™ milestone-based Curriculum, which is a proprietary curriculum from the USA that is based on the latest research in child development. Children engage in activities that help them reach key milestones in these five main developmental areas.