Bespoke P1 Admission Consulting

Choosing a primary school can be overwhelming, so we offer monthly drop-in sessions for all our families to help them navigate primary school options like DSS, International, ESF, Private, and Government schools, as well as the Discretionary Places Admission (DP) and Central Allocation (CA) processes.

Our consultations cover key factors such as your target schools, your child’s development, school facilities, extracurriculars, well-being, curriculum, and more.

Our tailored educational pathways also include small-group sessions personalized for each child’s unique goals, whether that’s improving languages (English, Mandarin, Cantonese), specific areas of development, or working towards primary school admissions criteria.

Whether you’re still undecided or have already planned your child’s future education, our unique approach ensures that your child will have a smooth transition into their primary school life.

tailored education pathway

Wow Activity Group

(6 months to 2 years)

Nursery Program

(2 to 3 years)

Kindergarten Program

(3 to 6 years)